How To Create a Single Post Template in WordPress

By default, most WordPress themes come with a handful of page options to choose from. However, if you want to use a different layout for individual posts, you’ll need to create a single post template.

The good news is that there are multiple ways to do this, with the easiest being to use a page builder. Custom post templates offer you a way to apply unique styles to certain pieces of content so they stand out.

In this post, we’ll start by explaining what a single post template in WordPress is and why you might need one. Then we’ll walk you through, step-by-step, how to create one WordPress using a page builder such as Beaver Builder. Let’s get started!

Why Create a Single Post Template in WordPress?

As the name suggests, a single post template is a template you can use for individual posts in WordPress. You can use them to create and apply unique styles and layouts on certain posts.

A custom single post template is useful when you’re looking for a specific post type that isn’t an option with your current theme. They also come in handy when you want to customize a post (or category of posts) without affecting all of your posts.

In addition to creating varying layouts for your post content, you can also use custom templates for different authors on your site. For example, each author or contributor could have their own template to use on posts to help differentiate them.

Creating single post templates in WordPress gives you more control and flexibility over the appearance of your content. You can use them to make pieces of content stand out to maximize engagement. Plus, you can save and re-use the template whenever you want, without having to waste time recreating it.

How to Create a Single Post Template in WordPress (In 5 Steps)

The traditional method of creating a custom single post template in WordPress is to manually code it. This approach consists of creating a blank .php file and adding code such as the following:

* Template Name: My Custom Post Template
* Template Post Type: post, page

get_header(); ?>

Then you would upload this file to your theme folder via FTP, copy and paste the code from another single.php file to use as a basis, then modify it to your liking. While there’s nothing necessarily wrong with this method, it’s not your only option.

If you’re uncomfortable directly editing your theme’s files or you simply want an easier way, we recommend using a page builder such as Beaver Builder:

The Beaver Builder WordPress plugin.

For the unfamiliar, this is a powerful page builder plugin that you can use to build everything from landing pages to portfolios. Let’s take a look at how you can use it to create a single post template in WordPress in five steps.

Step 1: Install and Activate the Beaver Builder Plugin and Themer Add-On

Beaver Builder offers a free, Lite version of its plugin. However, to create a custom single post template, you’ll need the Beaver Builder premium plugin (to create the template layout) as well as the Beaver Themer add-on (to apply the template to posts).

To install the premium plugin, visit the Beaver Builder website and click on Get It Now:

The Beaver Builder website homepage.

There are multiple pricing packages you can choose from. Once you select your plan, follow the prompts to complete the checkout process.

You can find the plugin, available downloads, and your activation key from your Beaver Builder ‘My Account’ page. Download the Beaver Builder and Themer .zip files, then upload them (respectively) to your WordPress site by navigating to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.

Once you install the Beaver Builder plugin, you can activate your license key by going to Settings > Beaver Builder > License:

The Beaver Builder plugin settings page in WordPress.

Enter your license key, then click on the Save License Key button.

Step 2: Enable Post Types in the Beaver Builder Plugin

By default, the Beaver Builder plugin is automatically configured for pages. Therefore, the next step is to enable it for posts as well.

To do this, navigate to Settings > Beaver Builder > Post Types:

The Beaver Builder plugin post type settings.

Select the box next to ‘Posts’. When you’re done, click on the Save Post Types button at the bottom.

Step 3: Create a New Themer Layout

The next step is to create the layout for your custom single post template. To get started, navigate to Beaver Builder > Themer Layouts from your dashboard, then select Add New:

The 'Themer Layouts' screen in the Beaver Builder WordPress plugin.

Note: Your first instinct may be to click on the Templates option. However, for the purpose of creating a single post template, it’s better to use Themer layouts, which are more specific to singular post types.

On the ‘Add New’ screen, enter a title for your template. From the ‘Layout’ dropdown menu, select Singular:

The option to add a new, singular Themer layout in the Beaver Builder plugin.

When you’re done, click on the Add Themer Layout button. Once you save your changes, new sections with additional settings will appear on the screen. However, you don’t need to worry about those just yet.

Step 4: Launch Beaver Builder to Create and Edit Your Single Post Template

On the same Themer layout page, select the Launch Beaver Builder button:

THe option to 'Launch Beaver Builder' from the Themer Layout plugin page.

This will open the Beaver Builder editor interface on the frontend of your WordPress site, with your new theme layout automatically applied. From the Preview As: dropdown list at the top, you can choose any post or page to display:

The Beaver Builder Themer layout frontend editor.

You can see all the standard content you would expect on a post, such as a post title, information, comments, images, etc. To remove or modify any content element on the page, simply hover over it and the toolbar will appear:

The post template toolbar editor in the Beaver Builder editor.

You can also move a section to another area by dragging and dropping it. To add modules, click on the (+) icon, followed by Modules:

The Themer modules option for customizing a single post template in WordPress with Beaver Builder.

From the ‘Group’ dropdown, you can select Standard Modules or Themer Modules. The latter will have more post-specific options, such as author bios and post navigation.

Once you’re done, you can save your single post template. To do this, click on the Done button in the top right-hand corner, followed by Publish.

Step 5: Configure the Custom Post Template Settings to Define Where It Appears

At this point, we’ve created and saved a custom single post template. Now we need to tell WordPress which of your posts to apply it to.

As you might recall from Step 3, when you first add a new Themer layout, there are a few settings you can configure. This is when you’ll want to revisit those.

Click on the Edit Themer Layout button at the top of the Beaver Builder editor (or navigate to Beaver Builder > Themer Layouts from your dashboard). Under the ‘Themer Layout Settings’ section, there is an area to choose the location(s) for your template:

The Themer Layout Settings in the Beaver Themer plugin.

From the dropdown menu, select Post. By default, this will automatically set it to All Posts:

The single post template location settings in Beaver Builder.

If you leave it as is, the template will be applied to all existing WordPress posts on your website, as well as any future ones you create. To only use it for an individual post, you can select that post title from the list.

You can also specify the post template location by post categories and tags. To exclude a certain post, select the Add Exclusion Rule button:

The 'Add Exclusion Rule' button in the Beaver Themer plugin.

There’s also the option to create conditional rules. For example, you can filter the template application by authors, users, and other features.

The conditional rules section for a post template layout in Beaver Builder.

To save and apply any changes you make to these settings, click on the Update button in the top-right of the screen.

That’s it. You’ve now successfully created a single post template in WordPress!


There are a variety of purposes a single post template in WordPress can serve — and multiple ways to create one. If you’re not comfortable working with code, you can use a page builder such as Beaver Builder.

In this post, we discussed how to create a single post template in WordPress in five steps:

  1. Install and activate the Beaver Builder and Beaver Themer plugins on your WordPress site.
  2. Enable Post Types in the plugin settings.
  3. Create a new Themer layout.
  4. Launch the Beaver Builder editor to create and customize your single post template.
  5. Configure the custom post template settings to define where it appears.

Do you have any questions about creating a single post template in WordPress? Let us know in the comments section below!

About Will Morris

Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he's not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.

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