7 Ways to Take Content Curation to the Next Level

One of the biggest disadvantages of content marketing is finding the time to produce quality content. As an online business owner, there are hundreds of other things that you need to take care of. That said, creative content production is the key to business growth.

Whether you’re new to blogging or are struggling to keep up with your publishing schedule – content curation can help. When used correctly, content curation helps grow your business by bringing your target audience to your brand. In this post, we’ll go over some things you can do to up your content curation game. Before we begin, let’s take a look at what content curation is and how it can help your business.

Let’s get started!

What Is Content Curation?

What if there was a way to attract traffic to your site and increase conversion rates without having to create original, epic content yourself? This is where content curation comes in.

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest. – Wikipedia

Contrary to popular belief, sharing high-quality content from external sources on your website has major advantages. This is partly because the sheer amount of content published every day on the Internet is enormous. There’s way too much content out there for readers to go through. What users do instead is they rely on websites that have done the work for them by sharing quality content on their site.

In simple English, content curation is all about gathering high-quality content (that’s relevant to your niche) and publishing it to your site in a digestible format. Some content curation sites publish the articles as is whereas others put their own spin on them before doing so.

Benefits of Content Curation for Your Business

Content is King

Content is king and content curation is the driving force behind delivering quality content regularly. It saves you from having to write and publish quality content to acquire a large audience. In addition, it gives your viewership access to content that they might not have come across otherwise. Think of it as a tailored newspaper that collects all of the news articles that you may be interested in.

Through pointing people in the right direction and adding your own commentary, you’ll be able to grow your own content marketing efforts whilst establishing your brand as knowledgeable in the field. – Content Curation Marketing

So, how can curating content help you grow your business? Here’s how:

  • Helps you establish a brand identity. Curating content from top-notch resources within your niche can help reinforce your brand identity. The type of content you publish on your site – whether it’s informative or fun – is a reflection of your business and the work you do.
  • Increases traffic to your site. Curated content opens up several paths to your site via search engines. This, in turn, means that your site receives more traffic and the chances of landing quality leads goes up manifold.
  • Speeds up content production. With content curation all you’re essentially doing is finding relevant content and publishing it on your site. This is significantly faster than having to write blog posts from scratch every day.

Lastly, content curation is a great way to become the leading source for the latest news in your niche. In a way, it increases your business’s credibility and unbiased authority.

WordPress and Content Curation

WordPress is a hugely popular platform for building any kind of website – even a content curation site. Users can choose from a number of free and paid plugins to integration content curation functionality on to their website. One such plugin that takes the heavy lifting out of content curation is WP RSS Aggregator.

The plugins enables you to import RSS feeds from multiple feed sources directly onto your WordPress website. You simply select which sources you want to import and then embed their shortcodes anywhere on your posts or pages. The core plugin is available free for downloading from the WordPress Plugin Directory and comes with basic functionality. When you need access to more advanced features then you can purchase any of the eight premium add-ons or go for an add-ons bundle instead.

7 Tips to Up Your Content Curation Game

Leveraging content curation to its full potential is pretty easy – especially if you have a strong lead into it. In this section, we’ll cover some tips that you can put into play to get the most out of content curation. Let’s begin with…

Tip #1: Tailor the Content to Your Audience

One way to get started with a step in the right direction is to understand what your audience wants. Writing about a wide-range of topics blurs your business’s voice and may even confuse your site’s readership. After all, what’s the point in curating a massive resource on a topic that only a handful of readers will be interested in? Instead of tailoring your audience to your content, tailor your content to your audience.

The trick is to find and share content that appeals to your audience. Your entire content curation strategy should revolve around finding blog posts and articles that will pique your readers’ interest and then developing a game plan to share that content through your website. WP RSS Aggregator’s Keyword Filtering add-on lets you filter the content that’s being imported based on pre-set keywords.

Tip #2: Source the Best Content From the Best Sources

In order to excel at the content curation game, you need to be on the lookout for great content from reputable sources. A content curation site that imports content from a broad spectrum of resources is more inviting than one that only sources a handful of sites. Think of it this way, if a reader only wanted information from three sources, they wouldn’t really need to dig up a curation site.

In addition to this, publishing content from one or two sources has a negative impact on both you and your site. It gives your brand an uninspired look and feel. When it comes to sourcing good content from high-quality sources it’s important to be objective in your selection. Instead of only adding sources that conform to your personal beliefs, find those that will deliver value to the reader – even if that means publishing posts that you may disagree with. The best part about this is that you get a strong article on your site and you get to share your own opinion about it with your viewership. It’s a win-win!

Tip #3: Keep a Lookout for Social Media Trends

If you’re thinking about mixing things up a little and posting an original piece every so often then you’ll need to generate topic ideas. One of the best ways to get inspiration for topics is to scour through trending hashtags on social media sites. And as a bonus, you can also get a feel for how the general public is reacting to it. This puts you in a better position to write posts that your target audience can relate with and be encouraged to share with their own following.

Monitoring trends also allows you to join conversations with your target audience on an informal platform, share your opinion with them, and invite them to check out your website for relevant, high-quality content. Social media trends are everywhere be it Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. Find out which platforms your audience interacts on the most and wipe them clean for up-to-the-minute trending topics.

Tip #4: Put Your Own Spin on Each Post

Finding a balance between publishing only original content and only aggregated content can be a daunting task. This is especially true for online business owners who simply can’t fall into the routine of writing an original piece every week. An excellent way to get the best of both worlds is to put your own spin on each post.

Once you’ve imported the post, all you have to do is write up a custom introduction to it. Stating your own opinion about the content of the article and inviting readers to share their thoughts is a great way to build your brand’s voice, establish yourself as a thought leader, and generate user engagement with your site. If you’re using the WP RSS Aggregator plugin then you can use its Feed to Post add-on to add your own spin to each post before you publish it.

Tip #5: Configure SEO Settings to Limit Competition

Search engine optimization techniques play a key role in helping your website gain visibility in search results and get more traffic. As many of you have probably already guessed, curating content can’t be too good for your site’s SEO. Or can it?

The short answer is no. Think about it this way: if you share a post word for word with the exact same keywords and the exact same title then you’d essentially be competing with the site you pulled the article from (not to mention all other sites that have similar content). That said if you configure your own SEO settings by reworking the post’s title and associating a different keyword with it, you can leverage it for a better ranking. Incorporating keywords that are tailored to your particular niche and target audience are going to be far better for your brand then using those of another website. What works for another site may not necessarily work the same way for yours – no matter how similar both are.

Tip #6: Make the Content Easily Shareable

Curating content doesn’t mean you can’t use it to increase traffic to your site. One way to up your content curation game is to make it easy for your readers to share your content with their social media following. The first step is to identify which platforms your target audience is most active on. Once you’ve done that, add social sharing buttons for those platforms to your curated posts.

Another important factor to keep in mind is that social share buttons are there to make it easy for readers to share your content. Encouraging them to do so can boost your post’s social shares and thus potentially increase traffic to your site. Simply add a catchy call to action at the end of your curated post prompting them to share your content. Making your content easily shareable allows you to reach an exponentially higher number of readers.

Tip #7: Encourage User Engagement

Content and comments go hand in hand when it comes to a thriving website. In addition to providing you with useful feedback about your content, user engagement helps form a community around your site. All you have to do is add a comment box for users to drop their opinions and maybe even start a discussion. This gives your site’s readers a platform to interact with your business and other readers about the topic you’re covering. Comments also provide more value to the content by adding many more individual voices to yours.

While there are many benefits in opting for a comment box, the downsides of not having one are consequential. Not only would you lose a significant amount of traffic but you’d also be losing the interactive kind of traffic. Not having a comments section on your site can also put off non-interactive users. This is mainly because many viewers will read through the comments once they’re done with the  content. Comments are additional information, sometimes even entertainment, and not having them robs the users of that experience.


Content curation can be your best friend if you find yourself in a tight spot managing your online business. Hopefully, by now you’re ready to take your content curation game to the next level.

Let’s quickly recap the main points we covered to supercharge content curation on your site:

  1. Tailor the content to your audience.
  2. Source the best content from the best sources.
  3. Keep a lookout for social media trends.
  4. Put your own spin on each post.
  5. Configure SEO settings to limit competition.
  6. Make the content easily shareable.
  7. Encourage user engagement.

Would you like to share some content curation strategies with us? Get in touch by commenting below!

About Rafay Saeed Ansari

Rafay is an entrepreneur, computer scientist, professional writer for several high-traffic websites, and founder of Blogginc. He provides byline and ghost-writing services for digital and brick-and-mortar businesses with a focus on web development, WordPress, and entrepreneurship.

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