How to Export WooCommerce Products to a Spreadsheet

If you’re thinking of migrating to a new website, or simply want to keep a local copy of all your website data, you’ll need to start thinking about exporting your WooCommerce information to a local spreadsheet.

WP All Export is by far one of the easiest plugins for the job. It is super simple to use yet powerful enough to take care of all your data – be it posts, pages, or WooCommerce information.

In this post, I’ll be taking a hands-on approach and guiding you through how to export your WooCommerce products to a spreadsheet.

Let’s see how it’s done.

Creating a New WooCommerce Product Export

To create an export of all your WooCommerce Products, start by going to All Export → New Export. Next you’ll have to choose what it is you want to export. WP All Export lets you export everything from posts, pages, users and of course, WooCommerce Products.

You can even build your own query by selecting the “WP_Query Results” button. In this post, we’ll focus on WooCommerce Products.

Select the “Specific Post Type” button and click on “WooCommerce Products” in the drop-down menu.

Create new export

WP All Export will automatically display the number of products that will be exported. In my case – 863.

Here you can now start adding filtering options to your export. This feature enables you to export a subset of your products based on specific criteria. Let’s say you want to export products from a certain category.

All you need to do is set the parameters and add a rule. You can add as many rules as you like. This gives you full control over the data you wish to export.


Once you’ve finished setting up your filtering options, or if you’ve decided to skip this step altogether, continue to customize your export file.

Customizing the Export File

At this stage, you can start building your XML or CSV file. WP All Export presents all the available data on the right hand side of the screen. You can use a drag and drop motion to custom build your export file containing your WooCommerce Products.

Drag and drop

You can easily shift the data around to reorganize the columns within your exported file. To preview your export file, click on the “Preview” button.

If you need to delete one field in particular, click and drag it outside of the dashed box. To rename the fields, simply click on one and a pop-up box will show up.

Here you can change the column name, choose to export the featured image and attached images, as well as custom export your field.

Edit field

Before you head on to the next section, keep an eye out on the Advanced Options tab. Here you can choose to export:

  • Product variations and their parent products,
  • Only export product variations, or
  • Only export parent products.
Product options

Next, it’s time to choose your export type. You can choose to export your WooCommerce Products to a Spreadsheet (CSV/XLS/XLSX), or XML feed.

Spreadsheet type

The custom XML Feed allows you to completely design the XML file to meet the criteria of pretty much any feed specification. You can also export products to Google Merchant Center as we’ve seen in our previous post.

XML file type

Tailoring Your Export Settings and Running the Export

A great way to keep your exported file up to date is to set a schedule through WP All Export. This allows you to automatically export any WooCommerce data on specific days and times.

Scheduling comes with its own set of options. You can choose to only export products once. This means that the next time WP All Export runs the export, only new products will be added.

Alternatively, you can choose to only export products that have been modified since the last time the export was carried out.


You’re almost done! Name your export so that it’s easy to identify later and hit “Confirm and Run Export”.

Run export

Export Complete

Once the export has been carried out and completed, WP All Export shows you pretty much everything that you can do with your WooCommerce Product export data.

Under the “Download” tab, you can quickly download the export file itself or the bundle. The bundle is a single ZIP file that contains your exported data and a settings file for WP All Export.

This is ideal if you’re migrating to a new site. All you’d need to do is upload the bundle to WP All Export, and you’re good to go.

Download tab

Under the “Scheduling” tab, you can set the export schedule, if you haven’t done so already.

Under the “External Apps” tab, WP All Export integrated a quick video which teaches you how to use their Zapier integration to automatically send your exported file to Google Drive, Dropbox or to any email via Gmail. This can also be integrated with countless other apps.

External apps

Under the “Export, Edit, Import” tab, you can learn how to bulk edit your WooCommerce Products using WP All Export and WP All Import.

Bulk edit


When you own an online store, making sure your data is well organized is one of the utmost important things you should be considering. This is especially true if you’re thinking about migrating to a new website.

Handling your online store’s data can be a daunting task. Yet, WP All Export makes it a breeze. This plugin is truly one of the easiest plugins to use for the job.

In this post, we’ve taken you through the steps you need to take to export your WooCommerce products to a spreadsheet:

  • Create a new export
  • Customize the export file
  • Tailor your export settings
  • Run the export

Do you have any questions about exporting your WooCommerce data? Let us know in the comments section below!

About Gabriella Galea

Gabriella is the Content Manager at WP Mayor. Architect by profession, designer by nature, she is dedicated to helping readers navigate the online world of WordPress. You can find her on Twitter @GabriellaGalea.

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