How Content Curation Can Help Your Site Reach 100,000 Weekly Hits

Content curation is a powerful asset for any website to have. If done right, it can bring about tremendous results, both in terms of repeat site visitors and also in conversions (email sign ups, sales, etc). Our WordPress content curation guide can tell you all you need to know about the topic, and this tutorial covers the how-to part of it.

Starting Your Own Content Curation Site with WordPress

It doesn’t take as much work as you think to get started with content curation. There are a few steps early on which will be important to take your time on, but after that, it’s a case of staying consistent. A small amount of work can bring great results, both in terms of website traffic and even monetisation. We’ll get to that a little later on.

WordPress gives you the opportunity to start and build a website in no time at all. Further down you can find my recommendations for what you’ll need to get started, once you have chosen and purchased a domain name.

Before we get to that, let’s have a look at how and why you may want to get into content curation of any type.

A Real Case-Study:

There are billions of car lovers across the world. Many people even have a soft spot for one classic car or another.

The communities built around classic cars, car clubs, car brands, and even individual models hold a strong bond. The passion from the owners and the fans is incredible. This can be seen both during live events and even online. Here’s a look at one example of an online community that has grown through their use of content curation.

Classic Car Curation

Classic Car Curation is a car news curation site dedicated to all classic cars in the UK. It is aimed at “auto-heads” and car enthusiasts, young and old. Classic Car Curation gives its followers the latest in classic car news, photos and events. It is an information hub for everything vintage cars. So how has this car website become a highly sought-out resource?

The impact of a consistent flow of new content

The founders of Classic Car Curation decided to opt for WordPress when building That decision is now paying off in many ways, starting with the fact that they have over 100,000 weekly hits!

The website is very well designed for its audience, bringing together news, events and image galleries in a cohesive flow. As a reader, you are constantly enticed to look for the next great piece of content, even if it’s not necessarily about your favourite brand or car.

Not only does this site publish its own unique content, but it also shares content from other top sources. Doing this allows the reader to find everything they need in one place.

Why go around 4 or 5 sites to find and read the content that you love? Classic Car Curation includes feeds from other news sites, updates from car events, a directory of British motor museums, and much more. They make sure very source is credited for their content, and that way they not only bring value to their readers, but also the original creators.

Importing feeds from other sources

Original content is of utmost importance if you want to build a reputation as the Classic Car Curation website has done. They even allow enthusiasts to contribute guest posts. Fans can write about their love of specific cars or their fond memories of visiting British Motor Museums.

That being said, there are plenty of reasons you may want or need to import content from other sources too. Here are a few reasons that may apply to you:

  1. You don’t afford to, or don’t have time to, churn out quality original content on a consistent basis.
  2. It’s too expensive to hire content writers or ghost writers to do the work for you.
  3. You want to give your readers a single hub where they can find all related news, keeping them on your site for longer. In turn, this allows you to monetise those readers through various means. We’ve listed a few of the best monetisation options here.

Whatever the reason, importing and sharing content from other top sources around the world should be an easy and painless process. All you need to do that is the WP RSS Aggregator plugin.

Introducing WP RSS Aggregator

Using WP RSS Aggregator’s Simple Feeds Bundle, Classic Car Curation displays feeds from great sources to keep their readers informed. This plugin can continuously find and import new content to make sure the site looks fresh and is the one and only resource for all gear-heads.

The site utilises Excerpts and thumbnails to great effect by providing featured images for the latest feeds. Each source has a dedicated page which includes a brief introduction to the source of the content, followed by the news feed. Click here to see an example of this in action.

If you want to take it a step further and import the content as WordPress posts, rather than a bulleted list, you can do so with the Feed to Post option. It gives you a lot more flexibility and plenty of features to import just what you need.

Of course, what I’ve shown you above does not only apply to classic cars. Whatever your topic of interest, WP RSS Aggregator can help you build up your content library in no time. There are some more use-cases further down.

Whatever the case, the Classic Car Curation website is a clear example of what you can achieve if you work smart. Write original content to bring the readers in. Keep them there by enticing them with related content and other eye-catching sections.

If you want to grow your site as they have, a plugin like WP RSS Aggregator is your best bet. The race to the top of search engines and social media feeds is always going to be won by quality content and user interaction.

Other Examples of Content Curation Websites Running WP RSS Aggregator

There are over 60,000 websites running WP RSS Aggregator on their site for one reason or another. The ways that the plugin is being used vary tremendously, but one thing remains in common:

The WP RSS Aggregator plugin helps to simplify and speed up the importing and managing of RSS feeds on your WordPress site.

The below three websites run various add-ons along with the free core plugin.

Golf Guide Directory

A great collection of golf-related news from top sources. Using the Feed to Post add-on they can import and share articles, videos and more, all focused on their love of golf.

Spreadsheet Allstars

A searchable and filterable collection of tutorials on how to use spreadsheets (you’ll be amazed). Whether you use Google Sheets, Excel or Lotus, these resources cover everything you may imagine.

Camp Fire Finance

A feed of the most recent content published by over 600 FIRE movement blogs. A single site rather than visiting 600 individual blogs. How’s that for convenience?

Start Your Own Content Curation Site with WordPress

Here are the essentials you need to get your own content curation site going. You may choose to take it a few steps further with the addition of other plugins, features and ideas, but we’ll focus on what you need to get off the ground. You may even have most of this set up, so you can pick and choose the elements that you need.


There are many great hosts out there, so here are three that we currently trust with some of our own sites.

  • Siteground – a cheaper alternative with fast support, great for getting started
  • Kinsta – a more complete solution at a higher price, supported by a great knowledgable team
  • Servebolt – for those who want to get the most out of their site’s performance

What can I do with this?

Here are just a few use-cases showing how existing users are making use of WP RSS Aggregator.

  • An author who wants to aggregate all their articles from across multiple sites, as Raelene is doing brilliantly on her website, Words By Birds.
  • Building a news/tutorial aggregator for a niche of your choice, from health to travel and WordPress to cryptocurrency. You can see the plugin in action on World of WordPress.
  • Collecting and sharing Youtube videos from your own channel or those that you like to follow, such as on Crypto Headlines.
  • Displaying your own site’s content in another area of your site, such as a dedicated page to show posts from a certain category, which allows you to add more to that page than the default WordPress category page does.
  • Creating a real estate listing of your own properties or hot properties from various agencies in your area.
  • Re-post your own content from a parent site to sister sites, such as a corporation who has smaller companies with their own websites where they share corporate updates.

A theme to match your market or niche

Themes can be handled in one of three ways.

  • Find a free or premium theme that has the exact layout and design that you need, such as the ones from Themeforest ( < this link immediately filters out only their top-rated themes), MH Themes and others. The prices range from fee to over $100 for a quality theme. You can find some more top recommendations here.
  • Use a basic theme such as Astra or GeneratePress in combination with a page builder like Elementor or Beaver Builder. This is the most customizable option that is also easy on your wallet.
  • Hire a developer to develop a theme from scratch. This is the most expensive option, but definitely the one that gives you the most say on what the site does and how it performs. We recommend working with a company such as Codeable to find freelance developers.

Some essential plugins

You should always install a few essential plugins on your site. These help you to keep the site safe and secure while giving your visitors the best experience possible. These are just a few of our own recommendations:

  • Gravity Forms or Ninja Forms for creating contact forms on your site.
  • BlogVault for security and backups, we trust these guys with many of our websites.
  • An anti-spam solution such as Anti Spam.
  • Social Networks Auto-Poster if you’d like to automatically share the RSS feeds you import to your social media channels.
  • Toolset or Elementor to create custom layouts and designs for your site if your theme is not doing it for you.
  • WPML if you want to translate your site into multiple languages and reach a wider audience.
  • WP RSS Aggregator is the plugin you need to import the RSS feeds in the first place. I would currently recommend using the below combination of add-ons. They can be purchased together at a discounted price in the Advanced Feeds Bundle.
    • Feed to Post to import RSS feed items into WordPress posts or any custom post type.
    • Full Text RSS Feeds to generate full RSS feeds from the original source when the original feed is insufficient.
    • Keyword Filtering to filter the RSS feed items being imported based on keywords, phrases or tags, either globally or per source.

PS. Some of the above links are affiliate links. This doesn’t impact their pricing in any way. We simply choose to recommend the best solutions that we trust ourselves on our own sites, so we get a small commission for that recommendation. This way, you can rest assured that you’re opting for a quality product or service at a reasonable price.

Get in touch if you’re curious about how you can implement this for your own website

Leave a comment below or contact WP RSS Aggregator’s support channel to ask any questions.

If you’re already doing something like this with WP RSS Aggregator or any other tool, we’d love to hear about it too.

Have a look at this collection of 6 more content aggregator websites that rock. There are so many ways to use RSS feeds that people are not aware of. Together we can share ideas and build-up a great collection of sites that use RSS feeds or some other technology to import and share content across various sites.

About Mark Zahra

CEO at RebelCode, the team behind WP Mayor, WP RSS Aggregator, EDD Bookings and the podcast. Player of any sport worth trying. Follow on Twitter @markzahra.

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