DeliPress – Manage Your Newsletters and Opt-ins in Your WordPress Dashboard

If you’re a WordPress user, chances are that you’re already using MailChimp or another ESP (Sendgrid, Sendinblue, Mailjet) to fulfill your newsletters needs.

Have you ever wished you could keep using the provider that you already love for their cheap price and high reliability while being fully integrated with WordPress? Aren’t you tired of copy/pasting your posts, to connect on a different user interface and search the plugin directory for a form or popup to grow your list?

We have! And we weren’t pleased with what’s available. So we built a plugin to easily manage your lists, build beautiful newsletters, opt-in forms, and popup directly from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. We called it DeliPress and we are proud to show you today some of the main features.

DeliPress: Newsletters and Opt-In forms for WordPress

Email marketing within your WordPress admin

One of the main advantages of DeliPress is to allow you to manage your email marketing needs without leaving your WordPress Dashboard (newsletters, opt-ins, subscribers, stats…).

You won’t need to log into Mailchimp or Sendgrid anymore.

It’s especially useful for agencies building website for their clients: it’s already time-consuming to teach them WordPress, you don’t want to teach them to use other services like MailChimp. Trust us, we’ve been through this as a former agency.

With DeliPress, our goal is to make email marketing easy for everyone. So we designed with a clean user interface well integrated to WordPress.

The Email Builder: where your newsletters come to life

All your campaigns need are covered directly from your WordPress Dashboard. You can write, schedule and send campaigns to any of your lists via Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Sendinblue or Mailjet.

Create your newsletters with a drag and drop builder

We built a fast and easy drag and drop email builder to create your campaign. We love Elementor and other page builders, so we wanted to bring the same ease and fun to building emails.

the DeliPress Newsletters Builder

Import Posts and Products, say no to copy/pasting and stop wasting your time!

You can import any WordPress Post and WooCommerce products very easily.

Of course, it’s possible to customize the style and color (button, title, image, text) of the imported items.

While on the subject of not wasting time, one of our premium features is to let you save and reuse any templates you create or start the previous campaign.

Consistent styling

When you edit a button, a title or any component, you can apply the new style to all others in one click, so your design will stay consistent effortlessly.

Responsive emails compatible with every client

DeliPress uses the MJML open source library to generate responsive emails compatible with every major (and old) email apps so you don’t ever have to worry about that again.

You can see a real preview of your email on smartphone, tablet, and desktop:

DeliPress newsletter preview

Attract more subscribers with DeliPress customizable Opt-In forms

You already know that a great campaign is useless if you don’t have anyone to send it to. That’s why DeliPress also features a real-time Opt-in Forms and Popup builder. You won’t need to install another plugin to connect MailChimp to WordPress and customize your forms.

DeliPress offers a large choice of opt-ins form you can customize, like the popup, or a fly-in.

DeliPress Opt-ins forms

We’ve made a builder help you customize your opt-in and see a live preview, whereas others plugin generally just display a long list of settings.

Visually design an opt-in form, with a live preview

Do you want more? Once you’ve customized the design, you can choose the behavior :

  • Pages/Posts: on which pages do you want to show (or not) the form
  • trigger: after some time, on scroll, when the user is about to quit the page (exit intent)…

You can also easily add a “subscribe” checkbox on your Contact Form 7, and very soon Gravity Form and WooCommerce.

Sending emails with your favorite email service provider

Some emails plugins allow you to send emails from your own hosting server. It’s clearly not a good idea because they’re not meant to send massive email in a short time.

MailChimp, SendGrid, SendinBlue and Mailjet can do that very well, they have the best deliverability in the world.

Send your newsletters with Mailchimp, Sendgrid, SendinBlue or Mailjet

DeliPress let you choose the email service provider you want to send your newsletters with. They all have free plans so you can try without spending a cent.

And if someday it becomes too expensive, you’ll be able to change within a few clicks.

Subscribers are automatically synced with the chosen service and you will be able to manage them from WordPress. You can also import subscribers from a CSV file.

Other features

Easy setup

Don’t worry, DeliPress will be ready in just one step: Choose your ESP and follow the steps to get your API key.

That’s done, DeliPress will automatically find and get all your existing subscribers. All the future subscribers will be synced with your email service provider.

After that, you won’t need to connect to your ESP again to send beautiful newsletters.


DeliPress show you stats from your last campaign, and the opt-ins conversion rate so you can try and optimize quickly.

What’s next?

We plan to add some marketing automation like auto-responders, emails sequences in the near future if we get enough support! We’ll also add some pre-made templates for the ones out there who are not designer 😉

We are working on the new email and Opt-In Builders (built with ReactJS) and will shortly be able to give you even more features and settings to perfect your email marketing.

Try it free!

DeliPress has a free version with limited features you can download from the official repository  or from our official DeliPress website

You can also try the live online demo.

The premium version includes more Opt-In forms, reusable templates, no watermark under the opt-ins, stats, import Woo products and a premium support. Pricing starts at $59 only!

If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact us. We would love hearing your feedback and improve DeliPress.

About MaximeBJ

Maxime is a French entrepreneur, working with WordPress since 2009. He organizes WordCamps and meetup in France. He also is a blogger, a teacher, and a consultant. Follow Maxime on Twitter: @maximebj

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