7 Proven Tactics to Increase Course Signups in eLearning

Ever since PLATO, the first computer-based training program in existence, came into being in 1960, the world of e-learning has never looked back. Today, with hundreds of e-learning websites offering content every which way, millions of students across all age groups and geographies derive benefit from the quality content.

This is great from a learner’s perspective. But, instructors have their task cut out for them as they strive to be heard in the crowd of subject matter clones. There is a lot of good and bad content out there in your niche. Even if we consider only your best competitors, the fundamental content you offer is bound to be similar.

In such a scenario, how do you make your course stand out? How do you increase course signups?

Don’t worry. It is nothing as drastic as revamping your entire website by adding a ton of gamification! Here are 7 simple but proven strategies you can use to increase course signups for your site.

How to Increase Course Sign-Ups?

1. Highlight Your Course’s USP


This one might seem obvious but it is one of the things most instructors overlook. We are so focused to create a beautiful course that we tend to forget a beautiful description is required too! Students decide whether or not to enroll in the course based on your course overview. They also pay attention to the course aims and objectives you have specified.

It is important to highlight the best qualities of your course here, in a way that appeals to the students. A word of caution though, DO NOT market the course! Focus on how it will be beneficial for the students and will effectively address their specific pain points.

2. Offer a Tangible Incentive

People love getting a good deal. Ensure that you offer a tangible perk for your students when they come to purchase the course, instead of a discount. This can be anything from PDFs of reference books to a free tutorial. Even an exclusive seat for a guest lecture or symposium will work wonders!

Students are more inclined to sign up for a course when they see that they will be getting their money’s worth.

3. Make Registration Easy


Signing up for the course is literally the last step of conversion. Don’t mess this up by introducing complicated registration forms or mandatory subscriptions to your newsletters at the last minute.

Course registration should be a one-step process, easy and painless. You can even set up features like group registrations which will allow multiple students to register simultaneously. You can also offer course bundles to let a student enroll for multiple courses together.

4. Generate Customer Trust with Reviews

Student reviews and ratings offer factual proof about the quality of your course. They are important if you want to increase course signups. Many students, on the fence, will be influenced by the reviews of previous students and then decide accordingly.

Add authentic course reviews and ratings to lend credibility to your course and are useful in generating trust and loyalty amongst students.

5. Encourage Interaction (pre-sale inquiries)

interaction-imageEven if you provide exhaustive course details and highlight the advantages of your course, it is possible that students might have some specific queries with respect to the course. Encourage them to get their doubts cleared so that they have a clear picture of what the course is all about.

Another way is to create a pre-sales discussion forum where people can ask their course-related queries which are addressed by people who have already taken the course. This interaction is useful in building a transparent foundation to avoid conflicts later.

6. Set up Limited-Time Discounts

Discounts are the course marketer’s favorite strategy to increase course signups. Modifying the concept further, you can set up limited-time discounts to create a sense of urgency amongst the students for enrollment.

When people see the ‘Early Bird Discount 40% off; Ends in 2 Days’ tag, they are compelled to take a decision right away, instead of postponing it for later. The fundamental key to conversion is driving the student towards a decision and limited-time discounts do this perfectly.

7. Effective Use of Social Media

social media

Social media has completely eliminated the concept of privacy. Browse for a book on Amazon and it follows you all around the internet like a tempting ghost until you cave into the inevitable and get it! While I don’t say that you should market your courses this aggressively, it sure helps to use social media to send controlled reminders to potential students.

A tasteful suggestion timed perfectly goes a long way in increasing the number of conversions as you keep calling attention to the fact that they have missed signing-up for something they would be really interested in.

Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram, where you can keep showing up in people’s feeds until the conversion is complete!

The Last Word

That covers the 7 tactics to increase course signups for your e-learning course. It is worth mentioning here that these strategies are supplementary resources to your main course material. Course signups are heavily dependent on the student’s frame of mind and hence it is necessary to direct our efforts towards value creation, not just self-promotion.

What is your opinion on ways to increase course signups? Have you used any of these or others for your e-learning website? Drop a comment to let us know!

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