SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

SUMO Memberships - Featured Image

SUMO Memberships for WooCommerce is a Premium WooCommerce Membership Plugin and one among the best, using which you can Sell Membership Plans and restrict certain sections of your site to users who haven’t purchased Membership Plans.

Getting Started with SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

Here we will explain the Basic Workflow involved in SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership.

1. Initially, the entire website is accessible by all users.

2. Certain products, pages, posts can be restricted to users who haven’t purchased a specific Membership Plan.

3. The user tries to purchase the Membership Plan.

4. Once the Membership Plan product has been purchased and the order reaches processing or completed, the user will have access to the Membership Plan.

5. The User can access the content which was previously restricted by the Membership Plan.

Features Offered by SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • Supports Simple Product and Variable Product
  • Simple Memberships( Non-Recurring)/Subscription Memberships(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Content Access/Restriction can be provided for
    1. All Users (Logged Users and Guests)
    2. Users who have purchased specific Membership Plans
    3. Users who haven’t purchased specific Membership Plans
    4. Users who have purchased any Membership Plans
    5. Users who haven’t purchased any Membership Plan
  • Content restriction can be provided for
    1. Pages
    2. Posts
    3. Products
    4. URL
  • Following content restriction types are available
    1. Complete Restriction
    2. Limited Restriction
    3. Redirection
  • Following product restriction types are available
    1. Restrict Product Purchase
    2. Apply Content Restriction
  • Content restriction by shortcodes
  • Displaying alternate content for restricted Pages, Posts and Products
  • Hide completely restricted products in Shop/Category Page
  • Hide completely restricted Pages/Posts/Products in navigation menus
  • Duration of the membership plan can be configured
  • Site admin has the option of offering Default Membership Plans for free during account signup
  • Multiple Membership Plans can be linked to a Single Membership Plan
  • Access to the Membership Plan can be Provided Immediately/Access can set to provided after a delay.
  • Members can have multiple Membership Plans
  • Members can link other users who haven’t purchased a Membership Plan with their purchased plan so that they can access the restricted content.
  • Members can transfer their Membership Plans to other users
  • Members can pause their Membership Plan
  • Members can pause/cancel their Subscription Membership Plan(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • All Membership plans purchased by a member is listed on My Account page
  • Subscription Membership Plans can be Automatically/Manually renewed (requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Site Admin can manually add Membership Plans to any user
  • Site Admin can Enable/Disable any Membership Plan
  • Site Admin can pause any Membership Plan
  • Site Admin can pause/cancel any Subscription Membership Plan(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Site Admin can change the duration of any Member’s Membership Plan
  • Site Admin can add notes to any Member’s Membership Plan
  • Site Admin can view the list of Members and their Membership Plans
  • Log history of each Member’s Membership Plan
  • Supports content restriction for RSS feed
  • Users can Transfer their Active Membership Plans to another user
  • Admin can Transfer Membership Plans of one user to another user
  • Users can link their Membership Plans with other users
  • Admin can link Membership Plans of one user with other users
  • Default Membership Plans can be given to users for Account Signup
  • Subscription Membership Renewal reminder emails(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Master log to record all the Membership Transactions on your site
  • Free Trial/Paid Trial can be provided for Membership Plan(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Number of Membership Trials for a user can have can be set(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Number of Active Memberships for each Member can have can be set(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Users can be forced to preapprove the Membership Plan Renewals/User can manually Renew the Membership Plan(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • User can switch their Renewal Payment method between Automatic Renewal to Manual Renewal(requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Overdue duration of the Membership Plan Renewal can be set by site Admin (requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Suspend Duration of the Membership Plan Renewal can be set by site Admin (requires SUMO Subscriptions Plugin)
  • Reward Points earning percentage can be set for each Membership Plan (requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
  • Highly Customizable
  • WPML Compatible
  • Translation Ready

Configuring SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

1. Creating a Membership Plan using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • Access the Membership Plans section on SUMO Memberships.
  • Click on Add New Membership Plan.

SUMO Memberships - Plan Creation

  • The Title of the Membership Plan has to be given.
  • In “Purchasing the following Product will provide access to this plan:” option a product has to be selected.
  • When a user purchases that product, the user will have access to that Membership Plan.
  • The Duration of the Membership Plan has to be configured.
  • The Plan has to be Saved.

SUMO Memberhips - Plan Info

  • Once the Membership Plan has been created, the available Membership Plans will be listed in the Membership Plans Dashboard.

SUMO Memberhips - Created Plan List

2. Restricting Content using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

Content access can be restricted for

a. Pages
b. Post
c. Products

a. Content Restriction for Pages

  • Create a new page or edit an existing page.
  • In SUMO Memberships Plan Settings, select the type of restriction you want to provide and set the Membership Plans which will provide access to this page.
  • Save the changes.

SUMO Memberhips - Page Restriction Settings

b. Content Restriction for Posts

  • Create a new post or edit an existing post.
  • In SUMO Memberships Plan Settings, select the type of restriction you want to provide and set the Membership Plans which will provide access to this post.
  • Save the changes.

SUMO Memberhips - WooCommerce Membership - Post Restriction Settings


When a user who hasn’t purchased Silver or Gold Membership Plan and tries to access the Page or Post, Site admin has the option to

i. Display only Excerpt content

a. Excerpt Content on Pages

SUMO Memberhips - Page Excerpt Restriction

  • When a Non-Member tries to access a restricted Page, they will see only the excerpt of the original page.
  • They have to purchase the plan which is listed in order to access the full content.

b. Excerpt Content on Posts

SUMO Memberships - Post Excerpt Restriction

  • When a Non-Member tries to access a restricted post, they will see only the excerpt of the original post content.
  • They have to purchase the plan which is listed in order to access the full content.

ii. Displaying a 404 Page

SUMO Memberhips - 404 Restriction

  • The User will be redirected to a 404 page when a non-member tries to access a restricted page/post.

iii. Redirect to another Page

  • When a non-member tires to access a restricted page/post, they will be redirected to another page.

c. Content Restriction for Products using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership System

  • Create a new product or edit an existing product.
  • In SUMO Memberships Plan Settings, select the type of restriction you want to provide and set the Membership Plans which will provide access to this product.
  • Save the changes.

SUMO Memberhips - Product Restriction Settings

  • When the user tries to purchase the product, an error message will be displayed.

SUMO Memberships - Product Purchase Restriction

3. Membership Plan Purchase using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • When a user tries to purchase a Membership Plan by clicking the link provided in the restricted content page, the product will be automatically added to the cart and the user has to complete the purchase.

a. User Purchasing from Restricted Content Section

SUMO Memberhips - Plan Purchase From Link

  • User clicks the link provided in the restriction message.
  • Once they click the link, the product will be added to the cart.

SUMO Memberships - Link Product added to cart

b. User Purchasing from the Product Page

SUMO Memberships - Plan Access Product Page

  • User clicks the add to Cart Button.
  • The Product is added to the cart.

SUMO Memberships - Product Manually added to cart

  • Once the purchase has been completed, the purchased Membership Plan will be listed on the My Account Page.

SUMO Memberships - My Account Page

4. Accessing the Restricted Content in SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • The User will be able to access the restricted content once they have purchased the required Membership Plan.

5. Transfer a Membership Plan to another User using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • SUMO Memberships allows transfer of Membership Plan from one user to another.
  • To Transfer a Membership Plan to another user, one should do the following steps.
  • Go to My Memberships section on the My Account Page.
  • Click the Transfer Membership Button.

SUMO Memberhips - Plan Transfer Page

  • Once the Button has been clicked, a popup will appear and a user has to be selected.

SUMO Memberships - Plan Transfer

  • The User has to confirm the Transfer.
  • Once the Transfer has been confirmed, the request will be submitted to the Site admin for Approval.

SUMO Memberhips - Plan Transfer Admin Panel

  • Once the Site Admin has approved the Request, the plan will be transferred to the other user.

6. Content Access Restriction by Redirection using SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

  • SUMO Memberships provides an option to redirect to another page when a user tries to access the Restricted Content.
  • The user will not be able to access the content until they have a valid Membership Plan.
  • To set up content restriction by redirection, one should do the following steps.
  • Access the URL Restriction by Redirection section in the Plugin’s settings.
  • Click on the Add Restriction Button.
  • The URL to be restricted has to be entered in the URL column.
  • Restriction Type and the Membership Plan has to be configured.
  • The Redirection URL has to be configured.
  • The settings have to be saved.

Plugin Compatible with SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership

a. SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

SUMO Memberships - SUMO-Subscriptions Featured Image

When a Subscription product is set as a Membership Plan access product then,

  • The Membership duration will be managed by the Subscription Product.
  • Automatic Membership Subscription renewals are Possible.
  • The user can Pause/Cancel their Membership Subscriptions.
  • Membership Subscription Renewals can be automatically charged by the Site Admin.
  • User can manually make payment for their Membership Subscription Renewal.

b. SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Reward System

SUMO Memberships - SUMO Reward Points Featured Image

Reward Points Earning/Redeeming Percentage can be modified based on Membership Plans.

More Information

Please check SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership Plugin for more information.

You can purchase SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership System on codecanyon.

About Fantastic Plugins

Fantastic Plugins has developed some fantastic plugins for WooCommerce such as SUMO Reward Points, SUMO Subscriptions, SUMO Discounts & Advanced Pricing, SUMO Coupons and many more.

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