Choosing the Right Dynamic Pricing Plugin for Your WooCommerce Store

If you are looking for a Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin for your WooCommerce store, then you have come to the right place.

The following reasons might have prompted you to search for a dynamic pricing plugin:

  1. In order to simply boost sales by giving a percentage discount on the quantity of the product purchased.
  2. To show gratitude to your loyal customers by giving flat discount on specific user roles.
  3. In order to offer your customer some gifts or samples of promotional products along with their purchase when your store celebrates a milestone.
  4. To use one popular product to boost the sale of some other non-selling product by bundling them in combinational rules discounts.

Now, let us make your task easier by presenting the top dynamic pricing plugins with a detailed analysis of their pros and cons.

1. Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for WooCommerce by XAdapter

Feature rich, highly flexible, Import/Export adds to its uniqueness. Its setup is simple and straightforward compared to the other plugins. XAdapter already has gained quite a reputation for it’s great customer support. Here’s a list of all that can be achieved using this plugin –

  • The pricing and discounts rules can be broadly set under– “Product Rules”, “Category Rules”, “Combinational Rules”, “Category Combinational rules”, “Cart rules” and “Buy and Get Free(offers). This detailed classification has made this plugin much easier to setup and less confusing while deciding which rules should go under which tab.

  • An option to automatically add the free product in the cart in case a product qualifies for the BOGO rule.
  • Setting up recurring rules is much simpler. You get an option to enable it while creating a product rule.
  • An option to enable or disable any of the rule types (Product rules, cart rules etc.)
  • An adjustment option which can be used in a number of ways. For example –while excluding 1 unit of the product from following a discount rule.
  • There’s an option to setup a “Maximum Discount” value, in case you would want to restrict the discount to a certain value.
  • Discount rules can be set up based on user roles and the date of purchase.
  • Discount rules can be set up based on the email id of the user and his previous purchases.
  • Any product can be excluded from following a rule using an addon.
  • Import/Export is one of the unique feature of this plugin. In case of a huge number of rules, migration from one website to another can get real challenging without this feature. Secondly, if for some reason the user wants to delete all the rules and keep a backup, this feature would be invaluable.
  • Offer Table feature. This feature is great in terms of displaying all the available discount options to the customers.
  • Pricing format is customizable for variable products.

Their free version is equipped with all the basic features and is apt for small businesses. 

What’s best is that they provide amazing support even to the free version users.


  • Pricing table can be displayed only for product rules and only if there are more than one rules for a product.
  • Though offer table displays all the available rules in case of every products. But it displays only the discount text.

Conclusion – If you need a plugin with an easy and straightforward setup and having all the essential features, you should go for this one. Not to mention the import/export feature and their amazing customer support.

2. YITH Dynamic Prices and Discounts

YITH plugins are known for its quality and efficiency. Their Dynamic Pricing plugin is no exception to this.

Here’s a list of all that can be achieved using this plugin –

  • Every rule can be broadly classified under – Price Rules; Cart Discounts.

  • Customization of the Price Format.
  • Interface wise quite similar to the RightPress plugin.
  • Different notes can be shown on “Apply to” products and “Apply Adjustment to” products.
  • Discount can be applied to a different product when one product is in the cart.
  • Fixed price option is available in the cart rules option.
  • Quantity table/Price Table note can be customized.

They do have a free version too but their free version is lacking support.


  • Discount can be created only based on quantity and not on price and weight in case of product price.
  • Though in case of cart rules, discount on the basis of subtotal is available.
  • Difficult to set up BOGO rules. There’s no direct way of achieving this.
  • A number of features are unavailable as compared to its competitors.

Conclusion – If you need a neat interface with some customization and can compromise on some of the features, then this is the right plugin for you.

3. WooCommerce All Discounts & Deals – Wholesale, Bulk, Categories, Facebook, Users and Loyalty Pricing by orionorigin

This is the second best-selling Dynamic Pricing plugin in Codecanyon. Here’s a list of all that can be achieved using this plugin –

  • It has a neat interface with a good number of features.
  • Feature-wise it is comparable to the RightPress plugin.

This plugin has some unique features like –

  • In case of free gifts, a customer can choose to add only 1 gift from a list of gifts.
  • Special discounts for customers who shares the product on social media.
  • Giving a discount if the customers review any or a particular product.
  • Discounts based on customer’s subscriptions.
  • Periodic and Automatic Discount renewals.


  • Setting up of rules is a bit confusing as quantity based discounts can also be set up at product page.
  • Quantity based pricing which is setup at the product page cannot be restricted based on user role.
  • In order to set up rules for products, a separate product list has to be created. This can be a bit time consuming, requiring extra efforts.

Conclusion – If you are really interested in the fancy features and wouldn’t have any problem in giving some extra time to the setting up, then this would be the right plugin for you.

4. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts by RightPress

Its large number of features combined with a neat interface has made this plugin a huge hit in codecanyon. This plugin is expected to meet all the pricing needs of your store. Its customer support too is appreciated for their prompt replies and easy help.

Here’s a list of all that can be achieved using this plugin –

  • The pricing rules can be broadly set under Product Pricing, Cart Discounts and Checkout Fees.
  • In Product Pricing, Product discounts can be set up based on – Product, categories, tags, attributes, variations. Meta field, stock quantity.
  • Available discount methods in Product Pricing – Simple (Simple Adjustment); Volume (Bulk Pricing, Tiered Pricing); Group (Group of products, Repeating) (Product grouping can be done based on a number of factors like categories, tags, variations, attributes); Buy X Get Y (buy x get y, Repeating); Others (Exclude Products from rules)

  • Available discount methods in Cart Pricing Discount (Fixed, Percentage); Discount Per Item (Fixed, Percentage)
  • For each rule, a number of conditions can be set up.
  • Cart Discounts and Checkout fees can also be added on the basis of Shipping address fields and payment methods along with another basis.
  • Pricing Table customization is available.
  • Product Pricing settings – If the product is already on sale, there’s an option to either use sale price or regular price. You can even choose to exclude the products on sale.
  • Cart Discount settings – If multiple discounts are applicable – you can choose to either display all the individual discounts or combine to one total discount. Same settings are also available for Checkout fees.
  • Advanced Date settings. You can create discounts on the basis of days, dates, etc. This would give you more control on the automation of discount rules.


  • The pricing table doesn’t display all the available rules. So, the customer won’t get to know about all the available discount options from the product page.
  • No Import/Export feature
  • The pricing table doesn’t display thename of the discount.
  • Some of the features give repeating results. This can get quite confusing when you create a number of rules involving the same product. One result can be achieved in a number of ways.
  • Setting up rules based on prices and weights are not available.
  • Cart rules does not have afixed price option.
  • For each rule, a number of conditions can be set up. The large number of conditions are somewhat confusing while selecting the right one.

Conclusion – if you need a highly feature rich plugin and can spend enough time on configuring rules without creating any conflict, then you should go for this one.

Thus, all the above plugins are great in some way or the other. But, the choice of the right plugin would depend on your requirements as pricing needs can be diverse depending on the objective and vision of your store.

Let us know if this article helped you in choosing the right dynamic pricing plugin!

About Ipshita Biswas

Ipshita Biswas is a WooCommerce enthusiast. She loves experimenting with WooCommerce extensions and enlightening others with her knowledge on WooCommerce plugins.

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