How to Install WordPress on SiteGround Hosting?

WordPress is a great content management system when it comes to starting a personal website or blog most of the webmasters who run websites suggest us to go with WordPress.

There are many reasons why they suggest going with WordPress, I would like to mention few reasons here.

WordPress is very easy to use: When it comes to usability of the content management system, WordPress is very easy to use. Even if someone has installed it for the first time or I can say using it for the first time can use it easily and navigate through all the settings.

It is highly customizable: WordPress blends according to your needs. You can customize it at a very high instinct. Thanks to the themes and plugins which help us to make the WordPress work according to our needs.

Great support community: If you ever face any difficulties with WordPress or break your WordPress website while tweaking it then you can easily get the support from the huge community of WordPress users on their official website.

These are just a few reasons why most of the webmasters including me suggest others to use WordPress as the content management system to build website or blog.

But there is one issue with WordPress and it is you have to choose a reliable web hosting to host it and even after hosting your website you have to optimize it correctly.

If you don’t optimize your WordPress website then your web hosting service provider may suspend your hosting account due to overuse of resources allocated for your website.

Don’t worry your web hosting account will not be suspended because you have chosen one of the best web hosting service provider i.e. SiteGround.

You can read more about SiteGround here.

SiteGround is WordPress optimized hosting so your WordPress website will run very smoothly on their servers.

In this article, I will tell you the complete procedure which you need to follow to install WordPress on SiteGround web hosting.

I hope you have already purchased hosting from SiteGround, if you haven’t purchased it yet then you can buy SiteGround hosting using this link.

Once you purchase hosting from SiteGround you will get the log in details with the help of which you can log in into your cPanel account.

But if you have already purchased SiteGround hosting then I am sure you have your cPanel username and password.

Step by Step Procedure to Install WordPress on SiteGround Hosting

Now let us get started with the procedure to install WordPress for you.

The first thing you have to do is log in to your cPanel account, to do so please visit the cPanel URL of your hosting package which you have received from SiteGround.

After you visit the cPanel URL of your hosting enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button or simply press enter.Log in to your cPanel Account

When you successfully log in into your cPanel account you will see the latest cPanel installed on your server. SiteGround’s cPanel is VPS optimized that means even you have purchased VPS hosting from them you will get cPanel.

We can install WordPress with the automatic script installer which is already integrated with your cPanel account.

You will get Softaculous automatic script installer with your hosting package. I will show you the procedure which you need to follow to easily install WordPress with help of Softaculous script installer.

Install WordPress on SiteGround Hosting

In the home section of your cPanel, you can see a group of options termed as “AutoInstallers” in that group of options look for WordPress and select it by clicking on it.

When you select WordPress from there you will be taken to a new page where you can find the installation options of WordPress. The script will be automatically selected in the Softaculous script installer.

Now we are all set to install WordPress for you, but we have to enter few details and adjust few settings.

The settings which should be adjusted by us are mentioned below:

  • Software Setup.
  • Site Settings.
  • Admin Account.
  • Choose Language.
  • Select Plugins.
  • Select Theme.
  • Advanced Options. (Optional)

I will explain all these above-mentioned settings one by one.

Software Setup

WordPress software setup

In software setup first, we have to select the protocol type which we want to use on the WordPress website.

The options available are,

  • http:// – normal protocol type without SSL and www.
  • http://www. – Use this protocol type if you want to have www. in your website URL when you don’t have SSL certificate.
  • https:// – Select this if you want to use SSL certificate and don’t want www. in your website URL.
  • https://www. – Select this protocol if you want to use SSL certificate and also want www. in your website URL.

The next step is to select the domain name for which we want to install the WordPress; you will find the main domain for which you have purchased the hosting and also the Add-on domains if you have added any.

You have to select the domain name from the drop-down menu.

And the setting in software setup is to select the directory in which you want to install WordPress.

If you want to install it on any of the sub-directories of your domain name then enter that in the space provided.

Site Settings

Site settings

In site settings, we have to name your website, enter your website’s name and description in the space provided.

Admin Account

Admin Account Settings

In admin account area we have to enter the username which you want to use while you log in into your WordPress website.

Also, enter the password and the email address which you want to use for the administrator account.

Choose Language

Choose WordPress Installation Language

WordPress is available in multiple languages you have to select the language in which you want your WordPress installation to be processed.

Select the language from the drop-down menu.

Select Plugins

Select WordPress Plugins to Install

While you install WordPress on your SiteGround hosting you can install Plugins as well. You can’t install all the Plugins you need but two of them which are quite important.

The Plugins which you can install are,

 Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer): This plugin will help to protect your website from hacking attempts by entering multiple passwords.

Clef Secure Passwordless Login: This plugin will help you log in into your WordPress website without entering your username and password by using your Smartphone as your password.

If you want to install these Plugins then tick them and move to the next setting.

But after installing WordPress you can install Plugins you can read more about it here.

Select Theme

Select WordPress Theme To Install

With this setting, you can choose the theme which you want to install, select the theme from the drop-down menu. If you don’t select any theme then the default theme will be installed.

Advanced Settings (optional)

Advanced Installation Options

These are advanced settings which help you to choose your MySQL database name and the table prefix. However, these settings are optional which means even if you don’t make any changes you can proceed with the installation.

But if you want to name your MySQL database and table prefix then you can make use of these settings.

And finally, click on Install when you click on install the WordPress installation process will start.

Once the installation completes successfully you will get a message on your screen in which you will find your website URL and the administrator URL of your WordPress installation.

WordPress Installation is Successful Message

You can now login to your WordPress dashboard by visiting the administrator URL and use your website.

I hope you are clear with all the steps which are mentioned above. If you are facing any difficulties let me know by commenting below.

About Akash Navi

Akash Navi is a science student by profession and blogger by passion who loves to explore new things every day. He is the founder of Online Indians and you can read blogging guides published by Akash on

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