How to Add a Stream of Your Published Articles to WordPress

Aggregating all of your blog posts and articles in a single platform can be a daunting task — especially if you have a large collection of digital content published across the web. But once you’ve got it up there, your online portfolio showcases that you can walk the walk and not just talk the talk with an overly wordy resume.

By presenting your work in one central location you’ll be able to promote your skills more effectively. One way to create a live stream of your published articles is by using the WP RSS Aggregator plugin. With this in mind, in this post, we’ll show you how you can add a stream of your published articles and blog posts to WordPress — the right way!

Let’s put everything into context before we begin.

Why You Should Create an Online Portfolio

Have you ever found yourself manually pasting URLs of your published posts in job applications and resumes? (I know I have!) Why not spring for a little more organization?

Whether you’re running an online business or freelancing, creating an online portfolio can do wonders for you. If done right, it serves as a one-stop shop for prospective clients and allows you to market yourself directly. You can even have your latest work on top to ensure visitors get access to your most recent samples.

  • Provides added value.  A job application or cover letter can only take you so far. Instead of singing a breathless paean about the many skills you possess and how you can help the client’s business, why not provide them with actual evidence of your expertise?
  • Increases visibility. Marketing yourself is all about getting your name across in your niche. The more gateways you open up, the easier you make it for recruiters to evaluate your work and skill set.
  • Helps you stay organized. Having all of your published work samples aggregated on a single platform saves you from having to find and then send links to each individual source. Best of all, you will be able to access it from different devices.

Although just about everyone should have an online portfolio, they are incredibly useful to those who are just starting out and don’t have many testimonials to publish. Setting up a web presence for your work helps set you apart from the competition. In short, it’s the biggest marketing tool you’re going to get!

Online Portfolios With WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator is an RSS feed importer and auto blogging plugin for WordPress. It can be used to import, merge, and display RSS and Atom feeds directly onto your website. This one of a kind plugin takes the heavy lifting out of creating any kind of content curation site that automatically imports new feed items.

You can get the core plugin for free from the WordPress plugin repository which comes with basic aggregation functionality. And when you need advanced features you can purchase any of the eight premium add-ons or go for the two add-on bundles. If you’re thinking about creating an online portfolio then the Simple Feeds Bundle offers great value for money. If you’d like to integrate the imported article titles into your blog then go for the Advanced Feeds Bundle instead.

How to Add a Stream of Your Published Articles With WP RSS Aggregator

If you have articles published on websites that support RSS then creating an online portfolio will be a breeze. To get started, you’ll need the WP RSS Aggregator plugin and the Simple Feeds Bundle installed and configured on your WordPress website.

Step 1: Install WP RSS Aggregator and Configure the Settings

First off, you’ll want to install and activate the core WP RSS Aggregator plugin if you haven’t done so already by heading over to Plugins > Add New. Be sure to activate its license by heading over to RSS Aggregator > Settings > Licenses from the WordPress dashboard after activating it.

Activate licenses.

Activate the bundle’s license.

With that out of the way, navigate to RSS Aggregator > Settings > General to configure the plugin’s settings. You can use the settings we’ve provided below or configure your own.

General Settings screen.

Configure the General settings.

Step 2: Add Feed Sources

Once you’re done configuring the plugin’s settings you can start adding feed sources. For this step, you’ll want to add the feed to your author page.

Step 1: Navigate to RSS Aggregator > Add New from the WordPress admin panel.

Step 2: In the Add New Feed Source screen, add in the feed source’s title. I’m calling mine WP Mayor since I’ll be aggregating all of my posts published on WP Mayor.

Step 3: Enter the Feed Source Details:

Add New Feed Source screen.

Add a new feed source by entering the Feed Source Details.

  • The URL determines the feed source.
  • Limit allows you to specify how many posts you’d like to import at a time.
  • Select Link to enclosure if you’d like the feed items to link to the URL in the enclosure tag.
  • Tick the Unique titles only box if you only want to display feed items with unique titles.

Step 4: Validate the feed source by clicking the Validate feed link. If the URL is valid, continue to the next step otherwise search for a valid RSS feed.

Feed source validator.

Make sure the feed source’s URL is valid.

Step 5: Click the Publish Feed button to continue.

Note: Once you click the Publish Feed button, WP RSS Aggregator will begin importing feed items from the feed source. In order to add more feed sources to import content from, all you have to do is repeat Step 1 to Step 5.

Feed Sources screen.

Multiple feed sources.

To view the imported feed items, navigate to RSS Aggregator > Feed Sources from the admin panel and click the View Items link under the feed source you added.

View Items link.

Click the View Items link to view the imported feed items.

It should look something like this:

Feed Items preview.

Feed Items imported from WP Mayor feed source.

Note: The default thumbnail images are displayed since the RSS feed doesn’t provide any images itself.

Step 3: Create a Portfolio Page

Once you’ve added feed sources for all of your author pages, you can create a portfolio page for your website.

Step 1: Navigate to Pages > Add New.

Step 2: Give your page a title. I’m calling mine My Portfolio.

Step 3: In the text editor, add the name of the site(s) you’ve contributed to.

Portfolio page.

Create a portfolio page.

Step 4: Click on the WP RSS Aggregator Shortcode icon and add in the feed source under its respective site.

WP RSS Aggregator Shortcode.

Insert the shortcode for each feed source.

Step 5: Click Add shortcode to continue.

Once you have all the shortcodes added, it should look something like this:

Portfolio page text editor.

Shortcodes under each site’s title.

Step 4: Preview Your Portfolio Page

Here’s a preview of the final Portfolio page:

Preview of the Portfolio page.

Preview of the Portfolio page.

Note: The default thumbnail images are displayed since the RSS feed doesn’t provide any images itself.

Wrapping It Up

Instead of manually updating your portfolio every time a new post is published, you can use WP RSS Aggregator to create a stream of your published articles — automatically. Once you have it all set up you can rest assured that potential clients will see your latest published posts on your online portfolio.

Let’s quickly recap the main steps involved in streaming your published articles on your WordPress website:

  1. Install the WP RSS Aggregator plugin add-on and configure its settings.
  2. Add the feed sources you’d like to import content from.
  3. Create a Portfolio page and insert shortcodes under each site using the WP RSS Aggregator Shortcode icon in the WYSIWYG editor.
  4. Preview your Portfolio page with a live stream of your published articles.

Do you have any questions about how to set up a stream of your published articles? We’d love to hear all about your experience so let us know by commenting below!

About Rafay Saeed Ansari

Rafay is an entrepreneur, computer scientist, professional writer for several high-traffic websites, and founder of Blogginc. He provides byline and ghost-writing services for digital and brick-and-mortar businesses with a focus on web development, WordPress, and entrepreneurship.

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