How To Build Viral Quizzes With Quiz Cat, A Powerful WordPress Quiz Plugin

Want to build interactive quizzes that your audience will love? Read this post and learn how to build engaging & fun quizzes with Quiz Cat, a new WordPress Quiz plugin.

Why quizzes?

Blogging is becoming increasingly competitive. According to Automattic’s stats, more new blog posts have been published this year than ever before.


New posts per month

This trend is likely to continue. 400-word cookie cutter blog posts aren’t cutting it anymore. Not all is lost though – from epic 5000+ word posts to interactive content, there are still plenty of ways to stand out from the crowd.

One such way is quizzes. Quizzes are fun, highly engaging pieces of content that readers love.

wordpress quiz plugin

Get more social shares

You’ve probably heard of BuzzFeed, a publishing company specializing in viral content that gets tons of shares & page views. Quizzes are a core part of their content strategy. They publish dozens of quizzes a day, many of which get thousands of shares.

buzzfeed quiz builder

Here’s what Peep Laja, Founder of ConversionXL, said:
“There’s something magnetic about tests and people are almost drawn to them. Some people are even willing to pay a fee in order to take a personality quiz.”

As BuzzFeed shows, quizzes work great to drive social shares. But there’s another use case that’s possibly even more powerful – growing your email list.

Get more leads using a quiz plugin

People love quizzes. That’s why the work incredibly well for lead generation. The best way to do this is to show an optin form after they’ve completed the quiz, but before you show them the results page.

wordpress lead generation quiz

“There’s one online lead generation technique that has produced far better results for me than anything else. Namely – tests and quizzes.” – Peep Laja, Founder of ConversionXL

How to get quiz ideas

If you’re looking for quiz ideas, head over to BuzzFeed for inspiration. You’ll see notice some common patterns – the most popular quizzes are “personality quizzes” and use lots of images. Here are some more quiz ideas:

Getting started with this WordPress Quiz Plugin

In this setion we’ll walk you through how to build a WordPress quiz with Quiz Cat, our very own WordPress quiz plugin. You can learn more about Quiz Cat here.

quizcat - WordPress Quiz Plugin

After installing the WordPress Quiz plugin, go to Quiz Cat -> Add New. You’ll have to decide if you want to build a “test” (testing someone’s knowledge – eg. “Are you a true Star Wars geek?”) or a “personality quiz” (eg. “Which Star Wars character are you?”).

Both types of quizzes can get you great results, but there’s something magical about personality quizzes – you’ll probably get more shares & leads this way. In this example we’ll build a personality quiz.

First, create your quiz landing page by adding a title, description and image.


Sweet. Now you have a beautiful quiz landing page. This is what your quiz landing page will look like on your WordPress site:


As your next step, you want to set up your personality quiz results. You can add a description and an image. This will be displayed on your results page.


Sweet, here’s what your quiz results page will look like:


Now that your results are set up, go and add some quiz questions. You can add as many questions & answers as you like. There’s even the option to add images to your questions and answers – something that’s highly recommended. (Every single BuzzFeed quiz has tons of images – these guys know what they’re doing.)

To each answer, you want to match a personality result – that’s how our quiz plugin calculates your personality result.


Here’s what it’ll look like on your WordPress site, once you publish your quiz.

wordpress personality quiz plugin

That’s it, your quiz is read to go =).

Publishing your quiz in WordPress

Simply copy your quizzes’ shortcode and paste it into any post or page on your WP site and – voila – you’re done.

Building Lead Generation Quizzes for WordPress

As mentioned above, quizzes work incredibly well for lead generation. Using this WordPress quiz plugin, you can ask for an email address before showing your results page. You can even choose between forcing an optin or being nice and displaying a “skip” button.

Simply head to Settings -> Lead Capture and you can connect your email marketing provider.


Quiz Cat even goes so far and sends your user’s results to your email provider using tags or merge fields, so you can target them better. Say someone is in need of a new WordPress host and your quiz suggested WPEngine is the right solution for them – why not send them a follow up sequence about WPEngine and include your affiliate link? The options are endless.

This WP quiz plugin works with a larger number of email providers and more integrations are on their way.


Analyzing & Improving your WP Quizzes

“What gets measured gets managed.” – Peter Drucker

Keeping track of how your audience engages with your quiz is important. This lets you learn more about your audience and identify bottlenecks. Luckily, this quiz plugin comes with a sweet analytics & reporting toolkit.

You’ll be able to view the following:

1) A funnel diagram showing how people interact with your quiz, and where they’re dropping off.

quiz analytics

2) Quiz results data, so you can figure out which results are most popular.


3) Quiz response data. This lets you view the answers of every single question and can even be used to conduct basic surveys.

Still want more? There’s even a spreadsheet export feature that lets you export the exact answers every single person gave you.

Wrapping up…

You should now have an idea why quizzes are so powerful for bloggers & businesses. You’ve also learned how easy it is to add powerful quizzes to your WP site with this powerful WordPress Quiz plugin. Quiz Cat is an incredible tool that lets you build engaging quizzes that stand out from the crowd, get more social shares, generate leads and help you grow your business.

You can learn more about Quiz Cat here

About David Hehenberger

David Hehenberger is the founder of Fatcat Apps, a WordPress plugin company focused on helping you get more traffic & conversions. When he's not working on WordPress plugins, David likes to travel, drink strong coffee and eat sushi

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