Improve Your WordPress User Management with Users Insights

If you are running a multi-user WordPress site, you probably know that when it comes to user management in WordPress, it can be a real struggle to stay on top of things. Who did what? When was the last time this person showed up? Who are my most loyal customers? Where do my users come from? These are all important questions that the Users Insights WordPress plugin can answer.

The goal of the Users Insights plugin is to significantly improve the process of WordPress user management and make life easier for anyone who runs a multi-user WordPress site. The plugin comes with a ton of features that can help you better understand your WordPress users.

The Filters – Search, Segment and Analyze Your WordPress User Data

The smart filters are at the core of Users Insights, and they are integrated into every aspect of the plugin. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to easily search, segment and analyze your WordPress user data. With the Users Insights filters, you can search and filter your WordPress user data by different attributes and get a segmented list of the users. Once added, the WordPress user filters can be easily updated or removed.

The Users Insights filters come with support for three different groups of data:

  • All of the default WordPress user data, like filtering by username, email, role, registration date, number of posts/pages created, number of comments, etc.
  • The data that Users Insights collects, such as last seen, geolocation (country, region, city), number of sessions and device/browser information, as well as the custom fields created with the plugin and the user groups.
  • Out-of-the-box support for some of the most popular WordPress plugins, like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, bbPress, BuddyPress and Ultimate Member.

One of the most useful features of the filters is that they are stackable, which means that you can apply multiple filters at the same time. This gives you the ability to create custom segments of your users by using different attributes. For example, in order to find all the recently active users who are from Spain and belong to our “loyal” user group, we can use the following filters:



The Geolocation module of Users Insights detects and stores the locations of your users and shows an interactive map of the user locations.


The geolocation information is also available for each WordPress user in the Users Insights table:


All of the WordPress user geolocation information can be filtered by using the Users Insights filters in a combination with any of the available Users Insights fields. Here is an example where we have loaded all of the users who are located in the United Kingdom, have visited our website in the last 60 days and have made more than one WooCommerce orders:


User Profiles

The Users Insights plugin automatically creates a custom user profile page for every WordPress user. This is where you have a bird’s-eye view of all the information about a particular user, neatly organized in one place.


In addition to the above-mentioned data that Users Insights detects, the user profile section includes a detailed list of the user activity. This includes a list with the posts, pages and comments created, as well as any activity from the supported third-party plugins, such as WooCommerce orders, bbPress topics and replies, or BuddyPress activity. The profile page is also the place where you can edit the user groups and custom user fields data or add custom notes to the user.

Activity Tracking

Users Insights includes another handy feature that helps you analyze how active your WordPress users are. Once the plugin is activated, it starts detecting the user activity for logged-in users. For each user, Users Insights saves the date when the user last logged in (as Last Seen date) and counts the number of sessions. The plugin also shows an indication for the currently online users.


Third-Party Integrations

Users Insights also comes with out-of-the-box support for the following plugins:

  • WooCommerce Module – detects the orders data for each user and allows you to filter the users by the number of orders, the products ordered, order status and last order date.
  • Easy Digital Downloads Module – detects the orders data for each user and allows you to filter the users by the number of orders, the user lifetime value, products ordered, order status and last order date.
  • BuddyPress Module – detects and filters the user activity data – such as groups, friends and activity updates – from the social network. It also detects the custom user profile (Xprofile) fields and makes them available in the user table and filters, so you can easily list and search the members Xprofile fields data.
  • bbPress Module – detects and filters the user activity – such as the number of replies posted and the number of topics/forums created by each user – in the bbPress forums.
  • Ultimate Member Module – detects and displays the custom user fields data generated with the Ultimate Member forms. With this module, you can easily search for and filter your members by the data they have added to their profiles.

All the features and filters that the modules provide can be combined with any of the default Users Insights features, such as the Geolocation or User Groups feature. The third-party integration modules are bundled with the Users Insights plugin and can be optionally enabled or disabled.


Get Organized with User Groups

Sometimes, when managing a large number of users, you might need to group them into different categories. The Users Insights user groups feature allows you to easily create custom user groups and assign one or more groups to each WordPress user. Once the groups are created and assigned, they are displayed in the user table and you can filter your users by the groups to which they belong.


Custom User Fields

Managing WordPress users often requires recording custom information about each user. The Users Insights custom user fields feature allows you to create your own custom user fields that you can use to add information that is specific to your users. The custom fields data is automatically added to the users table (and the custom user profile), and you can filter your user list by any of your custom fields.

Listing and Searching Existing User Meta

If you already have some existing user meta data saved, such as user meta saved from custom registration forms, you can easily load this meta data with Users Insights. All you need to do is register a custom user field with the same meta key and this will make the saved data automatically available in the Users Insights user table and filters.

User Notes

The Users Insights WordPress user notes feature allows you to add custom notes to each of your WordPress users right from the custom User Profile section. The notes are in the form of a short text-based message, and you can add as many notes to a user as you like. The notes can be used for all kinds of information, such as user preferences, logging phone calls or documenting conversations with the user.

With features like User Groups, User Notes and Custom User Fields, combined with the smart filters, you can also use Users Insights as a simple CRM solution for WordPress.

Advanced User Export

The Users Insights export feature allows you to create a customized export of your WordPress user data in a CSV format. You have complete control over how the data is exported – you can select which columns should be included in the export file, apply custom filters and select the sorting order of the exported list. The WordPress user export feature can be useful in various situations, such as exporting the users to other systems, exporting the users to mail lists or just keeping a record of the user data.


Whether you have a membership website, community forum, WordPress online store or any kind of multi-user WordPress site, the Users Insights plugin can prove to be a quite useful addition to your online business toolkit. With the great set of features and tools that the plugin provides, you can significantly improve your WordPress user management process, get actionable insights from your customers’ data and build strong relationships with your most loyal customers. If you want to learn more about the Users Insights plugin, you can head over to the Users Insights website and give it a try.

About Deni Zee

Deni is a WordPress enthusiast, passionate about all things WordPress.

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