MapSVG is a famous plugin used for creating interactive maps (WordPress and jQuery versions are available) – the development for which started in 2011.
MapSVG has grown since then from a basic tool with just a few features into a powerful application.
Not long ago the new MapSVG for WordPress version 3 was released. Let’s see what new features the plugin has introduced.
Database – fill your interactive map with any objects
Create a list of objects with custom fields and attach them to areas on a map. For example you can create a list of dealers in your country with parameters such as name, company, phone, photo, and area (state/province). Then you can attach each dealer to one or multiple states/provinces and show the dealer’s info on the click of a state/province.
Directory, Search & Filters
Show a clickable list of custom objects near your map. Add search & filters. Items in the directory can be filtered by choosing something from a drop-down filter or by clicking on a map area to filter directory by that area (for example, show dealers only from a certain state/province).
Details view
Show detailed information about your custom object in a responsive, custom-styled “Details View”.
Templates editor
Create custom templates for Details View, Popovers, and Tooltips with new Templates editor.
JavaScript Editor – extend map functionality
Extend the default map functionality with numerous event handlers and a built-in javaScript editor with syntax highlighting.
CSS Editor – style your map as you need
Add custom styles to your map and change the layout of info containers with MapSVG CSS editor.
And if you didn’t hear about MapSVG before, it’s worth reminding you of its other important features.
More than 100 geo-calibrated maps are included
See the full list of included maps here. Besides country maps there are many special maps such as a USA+Canada combined map, maps of each US state with its counties, a map of Europe, a map of Africa, Asia and so on. Most of these maps are geo-calibrated which means you can add markers to those maps simply using an address or by latitude/longitude coordinates.
Any SVG file can become an interactive map
MapSVG converts any SVG file into an interactive map. You can draw a floor plan of a shopping mall or city plan – in any vector editing software (Adobe Illustrator, InkScape, etc.), save the file as SVG and upload it into MapSVG.
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